The Early Bronze Age settlement of Asparn-Schletz (Lower Austria). A site in the light of quantitative methods
Elisabeth Rammer  1, *@  
1 : Universität für Weiterbildung Krems
* : Corresponding author

The site of Asparn-Schletz is located in the north of Lower Austria, in the political district of Mistelbach. From 1983 to 1988 and from 1990 to 2005, archaeological excavations were carried out here under the direction of H. Windl. The remains of a multi-phase settlement were uncovered, the oldest traces of which date back to the Linear Pottery Culture. Graves from the Migration Period and traces of a Bronze Age settlement were also uncovered.

According to initial findings, the Bronze Age phase of the site can be attributed to the Únĕtice Culture. There are indications that an even more detailed relative chronological classification could be possible. Finds from Verf. 788 and Verf. 704 indicate that the Early Bronze Age settlement of Asparn-Schletz may be dated at the end of the Únĕtice Culture.

Quantitative methods (seriation, correspondence analysis) will now be used to determine the exact chronological position of the site and to analyse its relationship to the already known sites of this culture. The finds and features from the Asparn-Schletz site as well as the data sets on the Early Bronze Age already entered into the Montelius image database and the programmes MonteliusEditor (programme for creating the typology) and Winserion (programme for carrying out quantitative analyses) linked to the image database form the basis for this work.

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