The ancient horizon in Murcian Iberian necropolises. Rites, typologies and statistics for the first period of Iberian culture (425-350 BC).
José Fenoll Cascales  1, *@  , Jesús Robles Moreno@
1 : Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid
* : Corresponding author

At the end of the 5th and beginning of the 4th centuries BC, the Region of Murcia witnessed the emergence of a new concept within the II Iron Age societies, with the beginning of the Iberian burial necropolises. El Cigarralejo, Cabecico del Tesoro, La Senda de Coimbra del Barranco Ancho, Los Baños de Fortuna or Cobatillas la Vieja are the perfect example of a change in the conception of the funerary paradigm up to that time. Their grave goods show the presence of an important level dated by straight swords, pieces of red figures and black attic pottery, as well as sculptural remains in which a period of unprecedented wealth in the protohistory of the Region is found. However, even though these levels are well studied at each of the sites, no massive cross-checking of data between them has been carried out for the period in question. By doing so, it will be possible to infer the incidence of this phenomenon in the whole of Contestania in Murcia, thus giving an overall view that has never been seen before with a methodology that is typical of the 21st century, which will be useful for other areas of research into the Iberian funerary world.

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