Siete Arroyos – A new settlement and funerary site of the Bronze Age in the lower Gualdalquivir valley, Spain
Martin Bartelheim  1@  , Döbereiner Chala Aldana  1  , Marta Díaz-Zorita Bonilla  1  
1 : Universität Tübingen

The Lower Guadalquivir has been the subject of numerous investigations in prehistory, but until today the Bronze Age remains largely unknown. After an abundant presence of the Chalcolithic, the number of known Bronze Age sites is sparse and they occur in different types of location than before, mainly on heights. This change of settlement pattern is detected in the first elevations of the Sierra Morena in the site of Siete Arroyos, near Seville. In this recently discovered site dating from the Full to the Final Bronze Age, settlement and funerary features have been documented in close proximity to each other which until now was considered to be an exclusive and defining feature of the southeast Iberian El Argar region. This goes along with a diversity of burial practices so far undocumented in the southwest of the Iberian peninsula. Several characteristics of the site point to the strong supraregional interconnection of the Guadalquivir valley which can be made visible via analysis categories like the study mobility patterns, exchange of objects and resource use.

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